Do you have amazing cross country skiing, figure skating or downhill racing skills? A new Olympic style campaign needs you! A print modeling casting call is looking for men, women and teens. The photo shoot audition is searching for males and females who are between the ages of 15 and 28. This role calls for people who are incredible figure skaters at competitive levels. Both individuals and pairs are welcome to apply. Also needed are males and females ages 16 to 2/ who are competitive level downhill racers. In addition the team is seeking cross country skiers who are 16 to 30 years old. This shoot will be taking place in Denver, Colorado.
It is a marvelous paying modeling job. Those chosen will be paid $1000.00 for the one day shoot. Photos from the project will be used around the world in industrial, retail and print OOH for one year. Check out the print modeling audition information below!
Print Modeling Job Casting Call
We are casting for an Olympic style print campaign and we need some folks with some very specific, yet amazing skills!!!
Rate: $1000 for a one day shoot
Usage is: 1 year global use, digital, industrial, retail, print OOH.
Who we need:
Figure Skater: female or male, any ethnicity, ages between 15-28 figure skating dream, must be a competitive level skater!!! Individual, pairs & ice dancing all eligible!!
Downhill Racer: female or male, any ethnicity, ages 16-28, must be competitive level in slalom/GS!!!
Cross Country Skier: female or male, any ethnicity, ages 16-30 cross country skier, must be competitive level, sprint and combined, team and individual all eligible!!
If this sounds like you or someone you know, please send a closeup pic of face and at least one pic in action/doing your thang, as well as contact info (name, email address & phone number) to with Olympics in the subject line.
Please share with anyone and everyone!! Thanks!!!