Do people always tell you that you have an incredible voice? Are you trying to start a career as a voice actor? A new casting call is looking for you! There is a voice over casting call for a US Navy commercial. The spot is searching for an African American male who is 18 to 26 years old. Producers are seeking a man who has a Southern drawl. Voice recording will take place on either Tuesday, October 17th, Wednesday, October 18th or Thursday, October 19th. Because the exact date is still unknown, anyone who applies must be available for all three days. It is filming in Chicago, Illinois. The paid voice over acting job will pay $400.00 for up to 8 hours. Whether you are an experienced voice actor or are ready to start your career, this is a marvelous opportunity for you!
2017 Voice Over Casting Call
The US Navy spot is looking for an actor to record a scratch track.
Young African American MALE with a ‘SOUTHERN DRAWL’. 18–26 years old.
Need your current color photo and recording demo or sound track to email along with your photo by late tonight.
Payment would be $400 for up to 8 hours (quick-pay: on crew time card).
Most likely VOICE RECORDING ONLY this Tuesday (17th), Wed (18th) or Thursday (19th). Not sure as our shoot days have been up in the air due to scheduling.
Must be available all 3 days for now, until the date is locked in. Should know Monday.
To apply email Include a color photo that is current, a recording demo or soundtrack with your voice. Be sure to include your full name and phone number.