Are you looking for a modeling or acting casting call in Colorado? A car company is shooting a new commercial and they are looking for children and adults! There is an incredible new opportunity for experienced and aspiring actors and models. A commercial casting call is searching for adults in their twenties through forties. In addition the team is looking for kids who are 9 through 12 years old. These are lead roles! Filming will be in Vail and Denver, Colorado. Those chosen may work one or several days. Adult actors will receive $1000.00 per shoot day with kids receiving $800.00 per day. Only Colorado local hires are being considered. View the commercial casting call information below!
2018 Commercial Audition for Kids & Adults
CAR COMPANY PROMOS for work on one or multiple dates between 3/11/18- 3/21/18. **MUST BE COLORADO LOCAL HIRES!
Location is in the VAIL and DENVER, COLORADO areas.
YOUNG COUPLE (NON-Union): Male and Female, all ethnicities, age range 30-36 (mid 30s), modern, fresh faces with self-confident effortless style, beautiful but real people we can relate to, professionals who know what they want, intelligent with an air of intrigue. Even though this is for Print – MUST be able to act/play and not just pose. Rate: $1000.00/day +20%
MALE FRIENDS (NON-Union): Male, all ethnicities, age range 23-33 (late 20s-early 30s), modern, fresh faces with self-confident effortless style, beautiful but real people we can relate to, professionals who know what they want, intelligent with an air of intrigue. Even though this is for Print – MUST be able to act/play and not just pose. Rate: $1000.00/day +20%
40 SOMETHING COUPLE (NON-Union): Male and Female, Caucasian, age range 40-48 (40-something), modern, fresh faces with self-confident effortless style, beautiful but real people we can relate to, professionals who know what they want, intelligent with an air of intrigue. Even though this is for Print – MUST be able to act/play and not just pose. Rate: $1000.00/day +20%
MOM (NON-Union): Female, all ethnicities, age range 35-43 (late 30s/early 40s), modern, fresh faces with self-confident effortless style, beautiful but real people we can relate to, professionals who know what they want, intelligent with an air of intrigue. Even though this is for Print – MUST be able to act/play and not just pose. Rate: $1000.00/day +20%
DAD (NON-Union): Male, all ethnicities, age range 35-43 (late 30s/early 40s), modern, fresh faces with self-confident effortless style, beautiful but real people we can relate to, professionals who know what they want, intelligent with an air of intrigue. Even though this is for Print – MUST be able to act/play and not just pose. Rate: $1000.00/day +20%
KIDS (NON-Union): Male and Female, all ethnicities, age range 9-12, modern, conservative, confident fresh faces, real people. Even though this is for Print – MUST be able to act/play and not just pose. Rate: $800.00/day +20%. Parent or Guardian must be able to stay on set with child at all times.
CAR BUYERS (NON-Union): Male and Female, all ethnicities, age range 40-50 (mid to late 40s), modern, fresh faces with self-confident effortless style, beautiful but real people we can relate to, professionals who know what they want, intelligent with an air of intrigue. Even though this is for Print – MUST be able to act/play and not just pose. Rate: $1000.00/day +20%
ADULTS – $1000.00/day +20% agency fee (FULL BUYOUT)
KIDS – $800.00/day +20%agency fee (FULL BUYOUT)
Payroll is handled by an outside company, OLC is not responsible for your check.
To submit for work – Please EMAIL US ASAP to: with subject line COLORADO CAR PROMOS. You MUST include first & last name, height, weight, a valid contact number, city & state that you live in and a 2-3 RECENT photos to include headshot and full body.
Hi, I am interested in this job.