A well known and highly recognized dental distribution company is gearing up for a new year of commercial advertisements and are currently in need of 10-20 male and female models. Please note, all models MUST currently wear dentures to take part in this casting. Check below for compensation and other important details.
Applications are accepted by filling out the form below with some of your basic information, as well as a recent and current photograph. We are looking for models 45+, any race/ethnicity, medium to large builds. This is a copy/credit compensation, along with 100/per day of shooting. Please be available during the evening as the majority of the photography will be taking place in the evening.
Hello, I am interested in this casting although I am aware you are seeking individuals of the age of 45+ would you consider someone who is much younger than that? I am a 26 year old female who currently wears a partial upper denture and would love to be given the opportunity to be considered. Thank-you for your time and reply.